He then recovered them, boiled them to sterilize them, and went at it again. One famous case, for example, involved a Californian man who got his kicks from swallowing the heads – up to six at a time, and with their hair cut short – of Barbie dolls. Floating on the Web there are way too many videos of this kind, while other variations are less documented and much more creative. It is quite rare, and it usually involves kissing, ejaculating on the doll or penetrating yourself with it. Pediophilia – not to be confused with the I-less word – is a fetishism for dolls. So, how does all of this relate with my website?
Dollfie dream ona hole skin#
There are even different types of skin finishing! Dollfie dolls are produced in various sizes, the largest of which is called ‘ Dream’ and stands 60 centimeters tall, more or less your average 4-years old kid’s height. Each element of the 19-parts body (not counting the ball joints) exists in many variants that can be bought separately, swapped and mix-and-matched until you get the exact image you were looking for. The reasons behind such extravagant cost are the remarkably high quality of the product and its ability to hold any pose a real human can, but most of all its customizability.

Limited editions Dollfie dolls can be over $3,000. Today Dollfies are also sold in complete form, at prices ranging from 429 to 693 dollars – accessories not included. They are not toys: in fact, they were originally produced as kits for artists to customize, sporting for example a featureless face to complete with painted details, glue-on eyelashes or hair to be rooted in the plastic head one by one using intricate doll-making skills. So what could I do but satisfying your ungodly deviances and learn all about it?įirst things first, Dollfie is a trademarked name for a collectors’ dolls line by Japanese manufacturer Volks. This stuff is even more uncommon than vibrator hackers, or doorknob licking fetishists – yet you are obsessed with it. Mark my words: by ‘incredibly obscure’ I mean that I had never stumbled into it before or since, not even during the research for my dictionary of unusual sex. Of the thousands of topics I linked to (12,815, in case you wondered), the most sought after is an incredibly obscure one I jokingly referenced to only once, in an article about weird Japanese sex toys. So do you know what really freaks me out? That the first search term used worldwide to reach this website – after the predictable ‘Ayzad’ and ‘BDSM’ – is… ‘ Dollfie sex’. That’s plenty of stuff for readers and search engines alike to peruse, I’d say. To this day features 1,139 posts, 141 static content pages, 284 Unusual sexology column facts, 468 online resources links, 108 suggested books (often reviewed here) and, in the Italian-language section only, 1,097 items in the BDSM and the bondage/ kinbaku glossaries.